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Cyber Physical Systems and Digital Twins

Cyber Physical Systems and Digital Twins

Learn about CPS and discover how it can boost new possibilities, blending technology, culture, and strategy.

This triplets of modules will facilitate your journey in the CPS & DTs landscape giving knowledge not only about technology but also relevant areas such as concepts, terminology, discussions, hands-on experiences, system architecture, culture, strategy and standards.

Learning outcome
Recognize and explain the terminology for key concepts and technologies of CPS and DT within the context of Industry 4.0.
Understand the state-of-the-art of DT for the process/cell/line level engineering and their possible uses for verification, analysis and optimization.
Describe different CPS and DT applications scenarios in manufacturing.
Through a survey and review, propose a possible application of CPS and DT in industry.
Understand the functions and interfaces of different components in a CPS/DT system
Demonstrate hands-on experience integrating multidisciplinary models with IoT and AI/optimization algorithms.
Able to reflect on the advantages and challenges of implementing CPS/DR in various application domains, like production/logistics, health and building construction.
Describe an architecture for a CPS and have knowledge about relevant standards.
Apply conceptual knowledge in building a DT based on a physical robot cell.
Have basic and broad understanding of digital transformation to initialise and realise a CPS-approach
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