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Smart Maintenance

Smart Maintenance

The Future of Industrial Maintenance

The annual cost of maintenance and production disturbances in the Swedish manufacturing industry is more than 100 Billion SEK and the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) is just above 50%. It is therefore easy to understand the recent increase in attention for the maintenance field, both in industry and academia. 

For example, predictive maintenance is considered one of the most important industrial use cases for enabling industrial digitalization, given the potential business value (impact) and the richness of available data. Similarly, maintenance is of high strategic importance for companies in terms of enabling failure-free and resilient production systems with high levels of automation. 

To meet these demands and develop the future of maintenance in your company, this learning area is about Smart Maintenance – maintenance in digitalized manufacturing!

Available modules
Learning outcome
Explain the concept of Smart Maintenance.
Distinguish between the four core dimensions of Smart Maintenance: data-driven decision-making, human capital resource, internal integration, and external integration.
Analyse contextual factors and expected effects of Smart Maintenance.
Assess the level of Smart Maintenance in a given factory.
Recommend actions and develop strategies to increase the level of Smart Maintenance in a given factory.
Explain the importance of effective integration for achieving smart maintenance.
Describe the expected benefits from adopting the asset management concept.
Analyze how the concept of servitization affects the management, procurement, and fulfillment of smart maintenance.
Assess the level of internal and external integration in a given operation.
Recommend actions and develop strategies for effective internal and external integration in a given operation.
Understand the Fundamentals of Maintenance and Reliability: Gain proficiency in the fundamental concepts and basics of maintenance to establish a strong foundation in the field. Learn how to identify various failure modes and develop comprehensive maintenance plans tailored to specific assets and systems.
Master the Analysis of Failures: Acquire the skills needed to identify and analyze failure modes effectively. Understand how to develop maintenance plans that are both proactive and reactive, aimed at minimizing downtime and maximizing asset longevity.
Become Proficient in Data Analysis for Maintenance: Develop expertise in collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data relevant to maintenance activities. Learn how to use this data to make informed decisions, optimize maintenance schedules, and improve overall asset performance.
Implement Predictive Maintenance Strategies: Understand the principles and benefits of predictive maintenance within the context of smart maintenance. Gain hands-on experience with various predictive maintenance techniques and tools, and learn how to integrate predictive maintenance into the broader asset management and organizational strategy.
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